Panostaja wants to be involved in developing sustainable and vital companies that contribute to building a better society and future. The development of responsible and sustainable business is at the core of Panostaja’s strategy, and the company sees that responsibility must also be at the center of the strategy of each of its segments. The responsible business model plays an important role in the value creation of all Panostaja segments. This will become even more important in the future as the customers’ sustainability requirements shape the business models.

As a growth partner, Panostaja wants to help its segments take concrete steps in corporate responsibility during its ownership period. Panostaja has created a responsible business strategy for its companies, which promotes value creation within the companies and secures a framework for growth and profitability. The sustainability themes are strongly present in the analysis of new investments and the entire acquisition process, for example.

Over the course of 2023, Panostaja provided its segments with a comprehensive workbook for going through the sustainable business process, i.e., integrating the new operating model in the strategy and management of the companies. This is a long-term process which the companies complete at varying paces. The themes and focuses also vary based on company since responsible business is built on the strategy of each company. Early on, an important element for all companies is preparing a materiality analysis: analyzing the operating environment and identifying significant stakeholders. This analysis specifies material aspects and key focus areas for each company – including goals, measures and indicators. Panostaja is closely involved in supporting and helping the companies through the changes.

Panostaja is committed to the PRI guidelines

The relevant EU directive imposes certain reporting requirements on Panostaja as a listed company, which is why Panostaja has worked on its reporting capability and will release a sustainability report on the investment company/parent company in 2024. If necessary, Panostaja also helps its segments with the preparation of a sustainability report. At the moment, however, most of Panostaja’s segments are small enough to have no statutory reporting obligations. That said, every company is encouraged to prepare a sustainability report and ethical guidelines, as these are important to customers and other significant stakeholders.

In 2022, Panostaja signed an agreement to commit to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The principles pertain to the consideration of environmental matters, social matters and corporate management methods in investment activities. Panostaja has also developed its own processes based on these principles. The company was granted membership of Finsif in May 2023. Finsif promotes the integration of responsibility perspectives into investment activities, and its vision is to make Finnish investors pioneers of responsible investment who consider the environment, society and good governance in asset management and investment decisions. The strong responsibility efforts for Panostaja and its segments will continue through 2024.

Panostaja is confident in the following:

  1. The importance of responsibility in society will increase dramatically
  2. Responsibility is a competitive factor that creates new business opportunities
  3. Strong responsibility is part of each company’s value creation process

Focus areas in the building of responsible and sustainable business:

  1. Financial responsibility and value creation
  2. Social responsibility and vitality
  3. Good governance and management
  4. Responsibility for the environment

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